
Kord Gitar Edane - Living Dead

Belajar Gitar - Belajar Chord Gitar dari Edane yang berjudul Living Dead .selamat anda bermain gitar

 [intro] D5

F5                                       D5
everytime you walk through shadow light, you’re right
F5                                 D5
every time you breath another life you’re right
now i know all the choice is yours

we’re the living dead
 A#5               G5 
you’re the living dead
A#5            D5
I’m the living dead
 A#5               G5 A#5
we’re the living dead

[int] D5

F5                                D5
every diamond casts an open light you’re right
F5                                      D5
everytime you walk through shadow light you’re right
now I know all the choice is yours

we’re the living dead
 A#5               G5 
you’re the living dead
A#5            D5
I’m the living dead
 A#5               G5 A#5
we’re the living dead

love your soul

[solo] A5

trust yourself kill yourself love your soul

[int] F5
            Dm      A# Gm A#
give up yourself again
            Dm      A# Gm D#
give up yourself again

[solo] D5 A#5 G5

A#5            D5
I’m the living dead
 A#5               G5 A#5
we’re the living dead

[outro] D5

play with drop-D setting (tune 6th string into D note)
Drop-d kord graph:




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Ditulis oleh: Blog - 18 Okt 2012